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The non-profit Family Rauch Foundation supports volunteer lifesavers with a generous donation of 300 emergency bags. Thanks to their tireless efforts, around 10,000 additional lives can be saved every year.

Haldenwang, 2nd December 2024. When it comes to saving lives, it can't happen fast enough. However, it is often not known that the human brain is damaged after a maximum of four minutes without life-saving measures and that the chance of survival decreases considerably.

This danger is particularly present in remote regions, as it usually takes longer for a rescue vehicle to arrive. To counteract such situations, an app has been developed that allows volunteer lifesavers to register. It is linked to the rescue control centres and enables first responders in the immediate surrounding area to be located and alerted via smartphone. In practice, a registered lifesaver from Durach could be deployed in Ulm, for example, if they are visiting there.

Thanks to this system, around 10,000 additional lives can now be saved every year – and the number is growing, as the app is also being used by the fire brigade, police and other emergency services.

‘Even if the first aiders can help without equipment, the emergency bag with life-saving warning waist-coat, FFP2 and respiratory mask, scissors, gloves and knee pads will improve their situation in the emergency,’ said a delighted Edgar Roelz, BRK Chairman.

‘As a representative of the non-profit Family Rauch Foundation, it is a great pleasure for me to support the volunteers. The new equipment should make their valuable work easier and help to make them more visible,’ reports Anton Klotz, Chairman of the Foundation Board of the non-profit Family Rauch Foundation and retired District Administrator.